Monday, November 25, 2013

I killed Jesus


Right out there in the Austin air above his eyes I read these words.  

I killed Jesus

Written on a hat that knew him well.
He put the words there with his own hands one letter after another.

And I saw them. Read them like a newly taught reader would. 

So I went up and asked him. Asked him if he really did.

And he said he did. He really did. 

And I believed him.

He told me how his hat made Christians mad. How they'd wave their finger at him and madly snap and mock him. They'd say things like how dare you. And what is wrong with you? And you are going to hell. 

But it confused him, he said,  because the moment he realized he did this, he became a Christian. He held his heart to Jesus and He took it.

...Then everyone else they either see my hat and wonder if maybe they did it too, or they want to high five me and say 'hell yeah'. Some, they really don't say anything, they aren't comfortable.

But for me, I've done a lot of things.

A lot of bad things. 

So yeah, I killed him.

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